Market Research Companies Love To Partner with Rex Direct

Quality Online Quantitative & Qualitative Sampling Solutions For Powerful Results

Our online sampling knows the importance of gathering information about your target markets and customers to help plan your business strategy and maintain competitiveness.

For over 20 years, Rex Direct has been offering quality online sampling solutions. The Honest Insite Panel and select market research panel partners fulfill quantitative and qualitative consumer studies with an unbiased blended approach – so market research companies can focus on analyzing real results for their clients.



New ProductsNew Services or Products

We know what it’s like for companies in an inception or evolution phase. Getting your offering right can be tricky, and that’s where Rex Direct comes in. Our sampling solutions ensure marketers have all the right mix of ingredients to be successful before taking making integral strategic decisions. We provide the tools, the tech, AND the means to get you the answers you need, when you need them.
Our clients:


College-Higher-EducationHigher Education

We provide dynamic market research services for universities during the program planning journey for undergraduates, graduate students and professors. We help plan cost-effective research solutions to get strategic insights and identify emerging market opportunities.
Market Research Agencies

We conduct survey sampling far and wide across the online market research industry. With our proprietary sampling technology and fraud detection tools, we aim for clean, healthy, and prolific samples to suit your unique needs in a wide range of market research projects.

Online Panel Companies

Integrate with Honest Insite Panel technology to monetize and grow your community. Easily build, segment and store with the support of our online panel experts.


Here’s how we do it…

Our team uses a wide array of quantitative and qualitative research methods from online surveys to focus groups to webcam studies. We find your ideal audience and guarantee participation.

Quality Respondents

We find the most qualified respondents from our internal market research panel, Honest Insite, blended with industry trusted partners to suit your needs. We also utilize a layered-security process to flag and eliminate any duplicate, fraudulent and suspect respondents and a proprietary screening process before they are sent to your online project.


We know what gets people responding, and those are REWARDS! We’ll work with you to set the parameters of not just your survey sample, but also how you would like to thank each participant for their time. We offer customized solutions or incentives prebuilt into the cost, which are provided by Honest Insite or directly from our partner panels.

How to Get Started

Rex Direct will accurately guide you on feasibility and incident rates, so you can access a wealth of key consumer insights for your market research project – quickly and effectively!

We can move from the quote stage to live results within 24 hours, which means you can make important business decisions when it really counts – not days or weeks later.

Whatever your online market research needs may be, contact us for innovative and timely solutions to your market research requirements.

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